About Us

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A little about my family... Autism Awareness all started for our family when my son, John Thomas "JT", was around 3 years old. We knew something wasn't "normal" because my son was still nonverbal and wasn't quite acting like other kids. It was 2019, just before the pandemic. So luckily we were able to get Doctors appointments set up, assessments completed, plans were set in motion and things started happening quickly.

Shortly after, my son started preschool, Occupational Therapy, etc. things were looking great! Then two months later, 2020 happened, the world hit the pause button and everything was shut down. All our resources were maxed out. As much as we love our local schools, there was only so much an autistic child can put up with while doing online schooling. Things were just not satisfying my sons overall needs. Ordering from online websites became a daily occurrence, as I'm sure it was for the majority of the world at the time.

We were constantly looking for something to please our sons sensory needs. There was nothing for him to do, nowhere to go, we were still learning about autism and what calms sensory overload. To say times were difficult would be an understatement. We were basically stuck inside, in the middle of winter, not knowing what to do.

Slowly we started catching on to what our son liked to play with and what helped with his frustrations. We became aware of sensory toys and busy boards and weighted vests, etc. which all truly help in their own ways at certain times. And some are just daily toys he's constantly carrying around with him. We're still learning and growing daily as a family with a Special Needs child. Our goal is to help similar families with some of the things we've found to make things a little easier along this journey.

Stress relief tools and toys are not only for our special needs kids but can help anyone with stress in their lives, even pets! Our websites products help relieve stress, anxiety or satisfy the inner kid whether you are a Special Needs kid/adult or not. We sell a wide variety of Sensory Toys/Products, Pet Toys/Products and Random cool stuff! Thank you for stopping by and appreciate your time!